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Fortnite Locations: Drift-Painted Durr Burger Head, Stone Head Statue, And Dinosaur | (Season 10 Week 1)

Season X has launched and has changed almost everything you know about Battle Pass challenges. In this location guide we show where Durr Burger, Stone Head, and the Dinosaur are all at to help you complete your challenge for this week.

Season 10 of Fortnite is going on now on all platforms, which means there's a load of new challenges to complete and rewards to unlock in the popular battle royale game. This season's challenges work a little differently than in the past, however. Instead of releasing a disparate batch of challenges every week, developer Epic Games is grouping Season 10's challenges into different themed sets.

The first themed set is called Road Trip, and one of the tasks it asks you to do is visit a Drift-painted Durr Burger head, a dinosaur, and a stone head statue. The Durr Burger head can be found on a hill east of Pleasant Park; the dinosaur is located beside the road to the south of Paradise Palms, and the stone head statue is near the frozen lake north of Polar Peak. You can see exactly where to find each monument in the video above.

For a map and more detailed instructions on where to find the three monuments, be sure to check out our written Durr Burger head, dinosaur, and stone head locations guide. And for other tips and guides, head to our Fortnite Season 10 challenges roundup, which we'll continue to update as the season rolls on.