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Fortnite Locations: Where Claptrap's Missing Eye Is And How To Return It (Borderlands Event)

Here's how to finish one of the Fortnite X Mayhem Borderlands Event challenges where you need to find Claptrap's Eye and return it to him.

Fortnite's 10.20 update has kicked off a surprise crossover event to promote the upcoming release of Borderlands 3. Along with some changes to the map, it also introduces a set of challenges and rewards. Among these is one that asks you to find Claptrap's missing eye and then return it to him. While you'd be correct in assuming both Claptrap and his eye are found in the newly added Pandora section of the map (which is housed inside a Rift Zone), the exact locations of both aren't marked on the in-game map. To help you out, we've put together the video guide above which will show you exactly where you need to go to complete the challenge and earn the Crunk Bunny spray reward.