We're just about at the end of Fortnite's Season 9, but you can still do any and all of the challenges offered this season. Among those is one asking you to search public service announcement signs in various locations around the map--at Neo tilted, the Pressure Plant, and Mega Mall. But where in those spots do you have to go? In the video above, we run through the locations of all three public service announcement signs you'll need. That'll help you on your way to earning some last-minute cosmetic rewards from this season.
Fortnite Map Locations: Public Service Announcement Signs | Season 9 Week 10
We are on the final week of the season for Fortnite Battle Royale! Hurry to finish up the last week of challenges and check out this guide showing you where the easiest public service announcement signs are at, to help you get one step closer towards receiving free battle stars!