Season 9 of Fortnite is now in full swing. The game's Week 2 challenges are now live across PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile, giving you another chance to rack up Battle Stars and unlock more of this season's new Battle Pass rewards. That's not all; with the arrival of this week's challenges, Battle Pass holders can now unlock the game's second special loading screen, which comes with a hint leading to Fortbyte #13. Here's where you can find it.
This particular Fortbyte is hidden in the portable toilet near the dinosaur statues south of Paradise Palms; you can see exactly where in the video above. Simply destroy the port-a-potty to reveal the Fortbyte, and it's all yours for the taking. Best of all, you don't need to unlock the loading screen before you can find the Fortbyte; it's available to everyone who's purchased a Season 9 Battle Pass, so if you don't feel like completing all of this week's challenges, you can head straight to the port-a-potty to get it. You can find a map and more details in our Fortbyte #13 location guide.