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Fortnite Week 7 Secret Battle Star Location Guide | Season 9 Utopia Challenges

Fortnite Season 9 Battle Pass owners will need to complete all of Week 7's challenges to unlock the battle star. Check out this location guide to find out where to go to obtain your battle star when you finish all the challenges.

We're nearing the end of Fortnite Season 9, but there are still a few weeks of challenges left before Season 10 rolls around. Week 7's challenges are now live on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch, and mobile. Each task you complete will help level your Season 9 Battle Pass up, but if you manage to finish all seven from a given week, you'll also complete one of this season's Utopia challenges, which will reward you with a special loading screen that points to a free item hidden around the map.

If you complete seven weeks' worth of challenges in Season 9, you'll be able to find another free Battle Star, which will level your Battle Pass up by one full tier when you collect it. This time, the Battle Star can be found in the Pressure Plant, the new facility located where the volcano once stood. We walk you through where to find the Battle Star in the video above. Be sure to also check out our written Week 7 secret Battle Star guide for a map and more details.

Keep in mind that this Battle Star will only appear if you've completed the Week 7 Utopia challenges. Unlike Fortbytes, which can be found by anyone who has a Season 9 Battle Pass, the secret Battle Stars won't show up in the game unless you've finished all the necessary challenges. If you need help with that, check out our complete Season 9 challenges roundup.