Fortnite's Season 9, Week 6 challenges are now live, which means there's a new Fortbyte to collect in the game. Here's what you need to do to find the location of the Week 6 Fortbyte.
As has been the trend this season, every even-numbered Utopia challenge you complete will unlock a special loading screen that comes with a clue leading to a Fortbyte, a new type of collectible Epic added to the game at the start of Season 9. Fortunately, unlike the free Battle Stars you can collect after completing odd-numbered Utopia challenges, these Fortbytes are available to everyone who's purchased a Season 9 Battle Pass, so you can go find them even if you haven't finished all of the week's challenges.
In the video above, we walk you through where Fortbyte #2 is located: atop the clock tower in Neo Titled. If you need more help finding it, be sure to also check out our written Week 6 Fortbyte guide.
Fortnite is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile. The game's most recent update, patch 9.30, is now live.