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Free PS Plus For November 2022 Leaked | GameSpot News

November’s free games for PlayStation Plus and Amazon Prime Gaming have reportedly leaked.

Nioh 2 is a yokai-slaying action game from Team Ninja that combines the pinpoint swordplay of Ninja Gaiden with the mechanics of Dark Souls. If you're up for that sort of thing, it's one of the best Souls-likes around, and is definitely worth a look. Both the PS5 and PS4 versions of Nioh 2 will be free.

The Lego Harry Potter Collection is not the most recent Lego video game out there, as it was released in 2016, but it's regarded as one of the best by reviewers and fans alike. This collection combines Years 1-4 and Years 5-7 into one game. If you've already blasted your way through the recent Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, it's a good next step.

The physics-based puzzle game Heavenly Bodies rounds out November's selection of games. It allows players to explore a zero-gravity environment, solve puzzles, and collect space goodies. The PS5 and PS4 versions of Heavenly Bodies will be available to claim.

Fallout: New Vegas is developed by Obsidian Entertainment originally released in 2010 for consoles and PC. New Vegas improved on the gameplay systems presented in Fallout 3 and offered a wider mission variety. With a huge open world and a huge collection of sidequests, New Vegas was engaging even after completing the main campaign.