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Game Reveals Are Getting Frustrating | Spot On

Teasers can work against the game they're for if publishers jump the gun.

Video games have a well-established marketing cycle; a key part is releasing a teaser. The process for this can often be quite involved, with some publishers creating a breadcrumb trail of clues and mysteries to solve before eventually giving up the goods. And while this is undoubtedly a great way to build anticipation and hype, what happens when the goods aren't that great?

On this episode of Spot On, Tam is joined by guest host Jeff Grubb to talk about the frustrations that can arise from teasers, particularly when they provide very few meaningful updates on high-profile games and still far from ready. They also talk about the impact that a lack of satisfying information on games can have on people outside the developer and publishing teams, particularly as big events such as The Game Awards approach.

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Spot on is GameSpot’s weekly premium news show, featuring two of GameSpot's most trusted and beloved personalities, Managing Editor Tamoor Hussain and Senior Producer Lucy James, discuss and debate the week's most important story in gaming.