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Gotham Series Finale - Season 5 Ep. 12 "J" Teaser Trailer

Something new... Something beautiful is coming to the series finale of Gotham.

Fox's Gotham is set to air its series finale on Thursday, April 25. Episode 12 of Season 5 will jump ahead in time and bring with it some notable new elements, including The Joker, whom you can see in the teaser trailer above. But anytime Joker terrorizes the streets of Gotham, you can be sure Batman is close behind, and he'll be making his full-fledged debut for the first time in this episode as well.

Gotham's production crew attempted to get their hands on one of the existing batsuits used for previous live-action versions of Batman. When they were turned down, they decided to instead make their own, one that would be true to the show. You can read all about that in our rundown on Gotham's Batman suit.