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Hollow Knight Silksong Re-emerges and Other Games Gone Missing | Spot On

Hollow Knight Silksong has shown some proof of life, but there are a whole load of other games that are still MIA. Tam and Lucy discuss.

On April 1st, the worst possible day for this to happen, Hollow Knight Silksong listing appeared on The listing doesn't provide any clarity on when the game is going to be released, just that it'll be on Game Pass on day one and it's optimized for Xbox Series X|S.

This is both a good sign as it's a sign of something, but also a cruel reminder that it has been five years since the game was announced. This got us thinking about some of the other games that are still MIA and, at a time when releases have slowed down a bit, it's a good opportunity to check in on them.

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Spot on is GameSpot’s weekly premium news show, featuring two of GameSpot's most trusted and beloved personalities, Managing Editor Tamoor Hussain and Senior Producer Lucy James, discuss and debate the week's most important story in gaming.