The Demon's Souls remake is available exclusively on PlayStation 5, leveraging the next-gen console's power to create some stunning visuals. But one major benefit you may not have expected from the game being on PS5 is how developer Bluepoint is able to leverage the PS5's controller, the DualSense.
In the video above, Jake Dekker discusses how Bluepoint's use of the DualSense makes an already tense game into an even more exhilarating experience. It does that through the controller's haptic feedback and its adaptive triggers, both of which help to make you feel everything--from a casual roll through barrels to the heart-pounding finishing blow on a boss when you're low on health--in a way that wasn't possible previously.
That's all great news, enhancing what's already a terrific remake with additional features that are only possible on PS5. For more, you can check out our Demon's Souls review, in which Tamoor Hussain says, "It is a technical tour de force and a true showpiece for the PS5 and the power of Sony's next-generation console. But, more importantly, it's also a creative marvel coming from a studio that is clearly showing the world it has its own voice."