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Overwatch 2 Alpha: Sojourn Abilities, Orisa And Bastion Rework, Push Impressions Feat. Stylosa

Overwatch fans Lucy and Tamoor went hands-on with OW2 PvP and chat with their pal Stylosa about the game ahead of the upcoming Overwatch 2 beta.

They discuss Sojourn, the Bastion and Orisa rework, as well as their impressions of the new mode, Push. #Overwatch2 #OW2

Check out Stylosa's channel:

Activision Blizzard continues to address allegations from a state of California lawsuit accusing parent company Activision Blizzard of fostering a "frat boy culture" of harassment and discrimination against women. For the latest on what's happening with regard to the ongoing legal action, take a look at our timeline of events