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Pokémon: Detective Pikachu Trailer Breakdown!

The first official movie trailer for Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (voiced by Ryan Reynolds) is here! We break down the trailer scene by scene to find all the pokémon & Pokémon references hidden in the trailer.

The first trailer for the movie adaptation of Detective Pikachu is upon us, and the way it mixes live-action human actors and computer-generated monsters and animals is definitely a bit of a surprise. Turning cartoon creatures into things that look like they could really exist is always an undertaking and can have mixed results, but in Detective Pikachu, Pokemon seem to be just the right mix of weirdly cute, and just weird.

There are now 809 Pokemon in the world of the games, which means there's no shortage of creatures to add into Detective Pikachu. While there's probably no way fans will see every Pokemon receive a real-looking render in the movie, you can still see quite a few possibilities of what Pokemon might look like in real life in the movie's first trailer.

Fan-favorite starters like Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander make appearances and Mr. Mime and Psyduck get something of starring roles, but there are a few of the more obscure Pokemon scattered around in the backgrounds of plenty of shots, as well.

We've poured over the trailer to find all the creatures hidden behind scenery, actors, and other Pokemon. Watch the video above to take a look at all the live-action Pokemon Detective Pikachu has produced so far. You can also check out the trailer and see the movie's poster.