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Preacher Season 3 Episode 5 "The Coffin" Breakdown!

The Coffin. The Duke. The Allfather. Preacher Episode 5 was a comic book fan's dream. Ryan and Gaj are here to break down all the easter eggs, references and best moments from the latest episode, "The Coffin."

This week's episode of Preacher was entitled "The Coffin", so those of us who read the comics knew exactly where this was going.

First off, TC and Jody found out that Cassidy escaped, igniting one serious fist fight between TC, Jody, Jesse, and Tulip which ended with Tulip as a prisoner and Jesse underwater, in the coffin, fantasizing about his old friend John Wayne.

Cassidy headed to New Orleans where he had a weird date with a fake vampire before getting carted off by Herr Starr's team, who made a video to blackmail Jesse into saving Cassidy from Starr's merciless torture. Things aren't going too well with Humperdoo the messiah, so this is Starr's way of trying to get Jesse back in the fold. Before he can actually do anything to Cassidy though, Cass gets kidnaped by the poser from the date and her group of vampire fanatics.

We also got to meet the larger-than-life Allfather in this episode, as he FaceTimed with Herr Starr, trying to figure out if, and when, Humperdoo should be introduced to the world. Starr is still very much against this plan.

Back in Angelville, Tulip strangles Grandma, nearly killing her before Jesse blows up the coffin and escapes to help. What neither of them realize is that Grandma linked her own life to Tulip's, so in order to keep Tulip alive, they have to keep Grandma alive. If you'd like to hear more details and thoughts about this week's episode of Preacher, check out Ryan and Gaj's video above.