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Resident Evil 4 Remake Hands-On Preview

Kurt Indovina got hands-on time with Resident Evil 4 Remake, and it's shaping up to be the remake fans may want, but not the one they're expecting.

When Capcom officially announced it was remaking Resident Evil 4, Kurt was apprehensive. The original Resident Evil 4 is not without its blemishes--it is, after all, a 17-year-old game. But tank controls and Ashley Graham aside, his apprehension was largely tied to whether Capcom could capture the spirit of the original.

After 30 minutes of playing Resident Evil 4 Remake, Kurt can say that most of his concerns have been washed away. While brief, his time with the demo showed him that this could be the Resident Evil 4 Remake fans want, but not the one they're expecting. And this approach can be illustrated by a single choice Capcom has made involving a dog--you know the one.