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Rick And Morty Season 4 Trailer Breakdown

Rick and Morty are finally coming back for Season 4 in November, and we're here to break down Adult Swim's new trailer! What sort of mayhem will Rick and Morty get up to this season?

After a long, long wait, Rick and Morty Season 4 is almost here! Well, half of it, at least--Adult Swim announced recently that the new season's first five episodes will begin airing on Sunday, November 10. The second half will air sometime next year. As the trailer says, it's "half the season you deserve, all the season we could handle."

So while it seems production troubles may still plague everyone's favorite animated show about a sociopathic dimension-hopping genius and his neurotic grandson going on sci-fi adventures together, at least new episodes are finally almost here. And this year at San Diego Comic-Con, the show's creators promised shorter waits in between future seasons.

Check out the video above for our in-depth breakdown of the Rick and Morty Season 4 trailer, and stay tuned to GameSpot for all the Rick and Morty coverage you need.