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Search The Hidden 'F' In The New World Loading Screen | Fortnite Chapter 2 Week 1 Challenges

Searching for the hidden 'F' in the New World loading screen can be daunting but we've got the fastest video guide to show you where it's at. Captured on PC.

Fortnite's relaunch as Fortnite: Chapter 2 brings with it a brand new map and a brand new set of challenges to kick things off. One of the tougher missions from Fortnite's Week 1 "New World" challenges is finding the hidden F in the New World loading screen and then tracking it down in-game. So how do you find the hidden F in Fortnite's loading screen?

To unlock the New World loading screen, you have to complete 8 objectives first. Once you have it, you'll be able to spot a small blue F up on a cliff near Lazy Lake, one of the new named locations. Head over to that spot on the map and collect the F to complete the challenge. This is an important one to grab, because it's the first in a likely set of letter search weekly challenges, which Fortnite has done in the past.