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Street Fighter 6 - "Over the FiGHTERS" Sing-along Trailer (Karaoke Version)

Lyrics by Sagara Yusuke Music by Kameyama Tomoki Vocal by Yamamoto Ryouji



Wave your fist of passion.

Overcome your past memories.

keep your eyes on your goal.

Stand and race forward.

I want to look up at the sky!

But I can't catch up to it just yet.

If I ever look back, the wind will pierce my eyes.

Over the you

Aim for the top!

Never waver.

Keep moving, don't give up.

Over the you

It's just you, and the now.

Your past and future will never change.

Keep moving forward.

The Fighters Go!

Eyes open, fang beared.

Resist going with the flow.

The moment finds you.

Life is just a sparkling flame

Listen to the sound of the wind.

Keep your sense sharp.

Look with your heart.

There's a path before you.

Through space and time

Aim for the top!

We shall never waver.

Keep moving, don't give up.

Through space and time.

It's just you, and the now.

All past and future will never change.

Keep moving forward.

Even through the pain, there will be no more tears to shed.

Dejected, Wanting to turn back.

But you know your true feelings.

Through dimensions

Aim for the top!

You shall never waver.

Keep moving, don't give up.

Through dimensions.

It's just you, and the now.

The universe will never change.

Keep moving forward.

The Fighters Go!
