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The Biggest Movies Left To Watch In 2018

From horror to animation to comic book films, there are still plenty of good movies to look forward to in 2018. Emily breaks down our most anticipated movies left from September to December 2018!

Summer is coming to an end and with it, the summer movie season. Still, while 2018 has been great for those who frequent movie theaters--until MoviePass started imploding, that is--it's not over yet. There's still plenty of major films to be released, and you're not going to want to miss them.

Given that Halloween is coming, a surprising number of those upcoming movies are actually designed to scare you, including The Nun and Suspiria. However, the two biggest titled of September and October are actually reviving old franchises that many love.

September 14 will see the release of The Predator. The new film, which looks as violent and gory as any other entry in the franchise, if not more so, is written and directed by Shane Black, who appeared in the first film as an actor.

After that, on October 19, Halloween will arrive. The newest film in the long-running franchise is disregarding every other movie in the franchise, except the first. It also sees Jamie Lee Curtis returning in her role as Laurie Strode, plus original Halloween creator John Carpenter stepping in as executive producer and composer of the score.

In terms of blockbuster films, the fall and winter aren't short on those either. That includes Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald and Bumblebee--the latest Transformers film, which is actually a prequel about the yellow robot. Other titles premiering before the end of the year include the Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody and Creed II.

Then, of course, there are the comic books films still to come. On the Marvel side of things, the live-action Venom film and animated Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse are both coming up. Meanwhile, DC is closing out the year with Aquaman, which sees Jason Momoa reprising the superhero he first introduced in Justice League.

You can take a look at all of the big films still to come in the video above.