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The Expanse Season 5: Everything To Know

The Expanse Season 5 arrives on Amazon Prime Video on December 16th with the first three episodes. Here's everything you need to know about the new season!

The first three episode of The Expanse Season 5 will drop on Prime Video on December 16th. After that, Amazon will release the remaining seven new episodes weekly until February 3, 2021. Amazon released a trailer for The Expanse Season 5 in October. It has plenty of hints for the upcoming episodes, including indications that the main characters will spend much of the season off on separate missions.

Amazon's official plot synopsis teases the continuation of the galactic gold rush we saw begin in Season 4, with "multitudes of humans leaving the solar system in search of new homes and vast fortunes." But there's also a "reckoning" between the inners and the belt brewing thanks to the season 5 villain Marcos Inaros.