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The Mandalorian Episode 2 "Chapter 2" Easter Eggs & Breakdown

The second episode of Disney+'s live-action Star Wars series, The Mandalorian, is available now. Join Chastity and Ryan for a breakdown of the major plot points, Easter eggs, references, and questions from episode 2, "Chapter 2: The Child".

The Mandalorian, the first live-action Star Wars TV series, delivered its second episode on November 15, just days after episode one was released alongside the launch of Disney+. In “Chapter 2: The Child,” The Mandalorian, real name Din Jarron (Pedro Pascal), makes the journey back to his ship with his bounty, whom we met at the end of Chapter 1.

They run into trouble with Trandoshan bounty hunters who are after the same bounty, as well as Jawas who have torn apart The Mandalorian’s ship, the Razor Crest. The Mandalorian must turn to vapor farmer Kuiil (Nick Nolte) for help if he wants to get the ship parts back in order to leave the planet Arvala-7 to deliver the asset to The Client.

In the video above, Chastity and Ryan break down the major plot points, all the Star Wars Easter eggs and references, and give their reactions to episode two, while also listing questions and predictions for later episodes. Be sure to also check out GameSpot’s full list of 12 Star Wars Easter eggs and references you may have missed from The Mandalorian Chapter 2, our video breakdown of The Mandalorian Chapter 1, and how Yoda fits into the Star Wars Disney+ Series.

Star Wars