Browse our Outer Worlds tips and tricks guide for more info on how to best get your space adventure started.
1. Put Points Into Leadership
Don’t overlook the Leadership skill, which unlocks special combat abilities for your companions.
2. Put Points Into Dialog
The Outer Worlds’ witty conversations are some of the highlights of the game. To really get everything the dialogue has to offer, it’s best to put points into the Dialogue skill, which gives you more response options.
3. Prioritize Tech For Useful Bonuses
The Tech skill is great just for the Engineering branch alone. Early on, it lets you repair weapons and armor straight from the inventory, which is very convenient.
You can always reset your skill points in your ship if you’re unhappy with your progression, but it does cost money, so be warned!
5. Use Companions To Balance Weaknesses
You might find yourself picking a companion based on their combat skills or even their personalities, but you should also consider using them to balance out your own weaknesses.
6. Play Around With Difficulty Options
If you’re finding Normal mode occasionally too easy and Hard mode occasionally too hard, no need to worry. You can actually switch back and forth between difficulty modes in The Outer Worlds. We recommend starting on Normal and adjusting from there.
7. Take Advantage Of Melee Weapons
Don’t underestimate The Outer Worlds’ melee weapons. They’re a great way to knock out some weaker enemies without sacrificing ammo.
8. Invest In The Lockpicking Skill
No supplies? Rob locked chests and storage containers. Putting points into Lockpicking is handy for exactly those emergencies.
9. Check Out The Settings Menu For Cool Options
The settings menu has a lot of neat options you can tweak to give you the optimal gameplay experience: companion outlines to highlight them in combat, turn off dialog skill checks in conversations, remove helmets for aesthetic reasons, adjust subtitles, and even remove the entire HUD.