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Top New Games Releasing On Switch, PS4, Xbox One, And PC This Week -- July 21-27, 2019

It's an action-packed week thanks to Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Wolfenstein: Youngblood.

This week's episode of New Releases is pretty violent, whether it be the swords of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the guns of Wolfenstein: Youngblood, or the crazy weapons of Kill La Kill: If. There's even a double dose of Nazi-killing thanks to Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot also launching this week. Fortunately it's not all violent, thanks to Turok: Escape From Lost Valley.

Turok: Escape From Lost Valley -- July 25

Available on: PC

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If the cutesy looking is confusing you, that's because this isometric adventure game is based on the original Turok comics--it's got nothing to do with shooters like Turok: Evolution. That said, you'll still have to quickly hop around the grid if you hope to escape dangerous dinosaurs and other animals in the valley.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses -- July 26

Available on: Switch

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July wraps up with a major Nintendo Switch exclusive. Fire Emblem: Three Houses mixes up combat by putting more emphasis on combat arts versus the traditional weapon triangle. When you're not on the battlefield, you'll be teaching students from one of the titular houses, choosing the best weapons and classes for them.

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Kill La Kill: If -- July 26

Available on: PS4, PC, Switch

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If you couldn't already tell, Kill La Kill: If is based on the smash-hit anime. You can do battle as various characters from the series, complemented by a sweet cel-shaded art style. If has an original story too, starring starring Satsuki Kiryuin, rival of the anime's protagonist Ryuko Matoi.

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Wolfenstein: Youngblood -- July 26

Available on: PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch

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It's always a good time to shoot down the Nazi threat, and July is bringing us a new story starring the twin daughters of Wolfenstein hero BJ Blazkowicz. BJ is lost in Paris, so his girls join up with the French Resistance in an effort to track him down. And yes, the whole thing is playable in co-op, with two players taking control of the twins.

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Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot -- July 26

Available on: PS4, PC

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This week's other Wolfenstein game is also set in the alt-80s French Revolution. In Cyberpilot, you play as a hacker who can take control of Nazi war machines, like vehicles and big robots. It's a VR experience built for Oculus Rift and PSVR, letting you look out from the cockpit as you lay waste to the Nazi scum.

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Believe it or not, it's already time to start talking about the video games of August. Next week, New Releases will take a look at Madden NFL 20 and Double Fine's latest adventure Rad.

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