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Watchmen Episode 3 "She Was Killed By Space Junk" Breakdown

In Watchmen episode 3, we are introduced to Special Agent Laurie Blake of the FBI, played by Jean Smart. Meg and Mike break down "She Was Killed By Space Junk".

This week's episode of HBO's Watchmen, "She Was Killed By Space Junk," Laurie Blake tells a joke, Angela Abar gives a eulogy, and Adrian Veidt (finally) says his name. In a rare episode that answered more questions than it asked, Mike and Meg dive deep into the remaining mysteries surrounding Chief Judd Crawford's murder and how it affects the bigger picture--something that the shady Senator Joe Keene seems equally interested in, with possible ulterior motives.

Is the presidential hopeful actually behind the 7th Kavalry's attacks, intending to help strengthen his campaign platform? Or is there something bigger--and maybe related back to Ozymandias himself--in play here?

One thing's for sure, even with all the new information made available this week, Watchmen is still holding fast as one of the weirdest--if not the weirdest--shows currently on TV. From giant blue sex toys to the surprising revelation that the rest of the country thinks Tulsa's masked detectives are just as bizarre and inscrutable as we the viewers do, not even the most straightforward episode to date could rob the show of that title.

Watchmen airs on Sundays at 9PM on HBO.