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We Play "Real Or Fake Spider-Man" With The Cast Of Into The Spider-Verse

We quizzed the Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse cast and producers to see if they knew the difference between real Spider-Man variants from Marvel Comics and ones we made up! Test your knowledge as you watch the video.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse's release date on Friday, December 14 is almost here.

One of the first images on the screen at the start of Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is an "Approved By The Comics Code Authority" stamp, trailing right behind a glitched out slideshow of different studio logos. It's a nod that comics history buffs will no doubt appreciate, both as a fun Easter egg, and as a perfect tone setting introduction. This is a comic book movie--not a movie based on characters from comic books. It is literally a comic book turned into a movie, and every single piece, from the character designs to the animation itself, has been designed from the ground up to make that possible. The result is visually stunning and completely unique.

Read our full Into the Spider-Verse review to find out exactly what we think of the movie--although you can probably already guess we think it's a winner. So we jumped at the chance to play a fun game with the movie's cast and creators. That's how we wound up inventing a bunch of fake multiverse Spider-Mans and testing actors Jake Johnson, Shameik Moore, Brian Tyree Henry, and Luna Lauren Velez, as well as producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller, on whether they thought they were real or fake.

Watch the results above. Who do you think did the best? Let us know in the comments. Then check out some of our other Spider-Verse coverage, including our explanations of the various Spider-People (the real ones, in this case), our profile on one of the movie's villains, Prowler, and the Spider-Man PS4 Easter egg in Spider-Verse.