It's the weekend, and that means Xur is back in Destiny 2 and peddling a new batch of fine Exotic wares. This week, you'll find him on Titan hiding out in The Rig area, offering another set weapons and armor from the Year One set. We've got all the details right here.
This week, Xur's selling Coldheart, a freezing laser beam trace rifle that started its life as a Destiny 2 preorder bonus. It's especially effective if you can hold it down on enemies, as the longer you hit them with its laser, the more damage it does. Xur also offers armor for each character class. This week, Hunters can get Knucklehead Radar, a helmet that maintains radar even while aiming down sights; Titans have An Insurmountable Skullfort, a helmet that heals them when they do Arc melee damage; and Warlocks get Aeon Soul, a pair of gauntlets that give allies energy for their class abilities every time you use your own.
If you're hungry for more Exotics than just what Xur is selling, this week saw the return of Thunderlord, a Destiny 1 machine gun that causes lightning to strike your foes. The quest to get it is pretty involved, but luckily, we have a complete guide to help you get your own Thunderlord--and revisit a Destiny 1 destination in the process.