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Why It’s Hard To Fix Live Service Games (feat. Diablo IV) | Spot On

At gamescom 2023, Tam and Lucy caught up with Diablo’s Rod Fergusson and Chris Wilson to ask about the process of fixing a live service game.

It’s fair to say that the first season of Diablo IV wasn’t a strong one. Many players were unimpressed with the season’s unexpected nerfs and its lacklustre endgame. While community sentiment improved with the announcement of the game’s second season, Blizzard still has a ways to go to implement necessary changes.

Tam and Lucy talk to the Diablo team at gamescom 2023 and ask about how developers assess what changes need to be made, how tricky it is to do it, and the pros and cons of being transparent with the community.

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Spot on is GameSpot’s weekly premium news show, featuring two of GameSpot's most trusted and beloved personalities, Managing Editor Tamoor Hussain and Senior Producer Lucy James, discuss and debate the week's most important story in gaming.