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Why We're Excited For Netflix's The Witcher | SDCC 2019

Netflix's The Witcher finally got its first trailer at SDCC 2019. Mike was fortunate enough to attend the Comic-Con panel and view four exclusive scenes, to bring you his impressions.

San Diego Comic-Con 2019 was site of a bunch of big announcements, including the chance for many to get their first look at Netflix's upcoming series adaptation of The Witcher. While everybody got a look at the show's first trailer, Comic-Con attendees got a lot more information from Netflix's Witcher panel.

Senior Editor Mike Rougeau was in the room for Netflix's Witcher panel and got a chance to peep more footage from the series. He and other panel attendees caught four exclusive scenes: one with Geralt at his most iconic--in a tub; one with Yennefer dealing with her baby issues; one showing Ciri running across some druids or elves; and one with a Geralt fight that was seemingly straight from the books.

Check out the video above, in which Mike runs down everything he got from the panel and all the major takeaways from the likes of star Henry Cavill and showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich.