It feels like Vietcong was developed by an inexperienced or uninspired team.
Vietcong-Purple haze starts off promising, with a nicely done intro that shows various historical figures for example-Muhammed Ali, Elvis Presley and JFK.
The music in the game is also a fine compliment to the game with music from the same era. Once you get into the game though, it all goes horribly wrong...
Gameplay- It feels like a cut down fps. The same sort of slow and clumsy sub standard gameplay seen in cheaply made games or ports (made quickly from the ground up) for another system.
The guns have a poor range to them, and are weak. Going right up to a vietcong soldier and shooting them at point blank range takes longer than it should to take them down. Your own health seems to deteriorate beyond belief. The only way to regain health is from your medic. But it becomes tiresome and frustrating when you need to regain health, and a bunch of vietcong have spotted you, having a great time depleting your health.
The game has a slow pace to it. Usually this isn't a problem in games, but this game moves like a stealth game, and plays like an action game. Which means you haven't got enough maneuverability and speed to do what you want to do.
There are also explosive traps littered around areas, which are hard to diffuse, because the movement of your soldier is way off. The game can be unfairly frustrating simply because of the the amount enemies and traps compared to your limited health.
Graphics- Its all low res, cheaply done generic landscapes. Poor textures. The characters look generic too. Cutscenes that use the in-game graphics are rubbish.
This has to be one of the most pointless games ever made. Other Vietnam based games have addressed the grim violence, the action, and the era. This game feels like a cheap cash in of something like Apocalypse now. its also boring to play, and repetetive. It has no multiplayer too, so theres not much replay value to this game.