Old school never seemed so cool.....one of the most original and enjoyable titles i've played in a while....
Viewtiful Joe draws you in like few other games really can. While the story is nothing new the way in which it is presented and played out really is something special. Graphically, Viewtiful Joe is presented in all his Cell shaded glory. The way in which Capcom has decided to have the game take place in a movie really lends itself to the cell shaded style used. Using his powers of, Mach Speed, Slow Motion and Zoom-In, Viewtiful Joe shows off all of the artistic goodness that Capcom has poured into their creation. Take Mach Speed for an example, when Joe speeds up time the use of lines, shadowing, lighting all make it seem as though you are breaking the sound barrier. Not only are the effects done well but there is never a hint of slow down, unless of course you decide to use Slow Motion, and the action never misses a beat as you pulverize wave after wave of enemies.
Level designs are also done quite well, from city streets, to sewer systems to the inside of mansions; locals are both challenging and a joy to look at. Truth be told I lost more than one life paying more attention to my surroundings than the enemies in my way. Viewtiful Joe’s enemies are also another positive feature to the game. While there is not an enormous selection of them, each enemy has specific strengths and weaknesses that require more than mere button mashing to dispatch. Trust me dispatching enemies is something you will get used to doing with ease or you will be hearing the phrase, “Cut, Cut, Cut” until your ears bleed.
Viewtiful Joe’s audio is perhaps its biggest weakness. While effects and action sounds are all satisfactory, the soundtrack leaves a lot to be desired. By this I do not mean that the music is awful or that you will be cringing every time the game loads. What I mean is that the games soundtrack is just downright forgettable. The music does nothing to add to the great gameplay experience the game provides, which is a shame.
Like any great game Viewtiful Joe’s gameplay is the defining characteristic of this title. Joe’s VFX abilities of Mach Speed, Slow Motion and Zoom In can be combined in a plethora of creative ways with basic, punch, kick, and jump actions. Take for example, if you were to combine, Slow Motion, Zoom In and Punch to perform the Slow Zoom, Red Hot, One Hundred which is by far the most powerful attack in the game. Learning and developing combinations such as these, maintaining your VFX meter (which drains as you use you VFX abilities) and recognizing enemy and bosses attack patterns are all paramount to your success. While Viewtiful Joe is challenging it never seems abusive. You always feel as though, with practice, you will be able to overcome any opponent, which never really leads you to be frustrated.
Viewtiful Joe is a great game that should not be missed by anyone with a Gamecube. There really is no reason not to get out to your local EB or Best Buy and pick yourself up a copy of a great game and at a mere $40 for a new copy it is a steal.