Viewtiful Joe has some great moments, but gets repetitive quickly and it's probably not really for everyone.

User Rating: 7 | Viewtiful Joe PS2
I'll start with the graphics, my favorite part of the game! The game is absolutely gorgeous and I love games that use the "2D-3D" graphics format. It's also good to take a brake from the realistic grittiness of most games to the great cartoonish feel of Viewtiful Joe which makes every level great to look at. It's not just the graphics that are unique, it's also the gameplay. At first look, Viewtiful Joe is a standard beat'em-up, but the game adds three fighting elements like slowing down time, speeding up time, and zooming in to perform more amazingly cool moves. I was comepletely in love with 'VJ' during the first two hours . . . then it got repetive (sorry fanboys, it's just my opinion!). This is what I mean when I say that it's not for everyone and that I recommend it should be rented first. And that won't be too bad cause of the already slim price of the PS2 version is no more than the $30. (it could be less now) I liked all the strait-up fighting but every once in a while the game would throw in these tedious little "puzzles" like trying to hit a bomb to a certain point to reach the next area. It's hard to explain right now, but it makes people like me throw my controller down in frusteration. Finally there's the audio. There's not a whole lot to say here since you probably won't pay any attention to the background music (I'm usually pretty big on music in games but nothin' interesting here). Then there's the voice acting. To be honest, EVERY single one of the characters got on my absolute nerves and I ended up skipping the cutscenes. Viewtiful Joe would have been my perfect rental, but I ended up buying it because of all the buzz and the intriguing $30 price tag. Unfortunatly I was a hair dissapointed . . .