Once again, the Twisted Metal opponent missies the mark & masterfully
User Rating: 4.5 | Vigilante 8: 2nd Battle DC
Vigilante 8 is known as the anti-Twisted MEtal, but neither of the games have done all that good of a job at coming CLOSE to Twisted Metal's gameplay, controls, etc. Gameplay- The gameplay would be ok, IF the controls weren't so horribly off. I feel like someone else is driving that car when I play this game. Graphics- They are ok for a DC game, but you can tell they are just a bit turned up from other system editions like PSOne and N64 Sound- Uninspired at best Value- None... I'm glad I got this game for free, cuz if I had paid for this game, I'd be PISSED that I spent money on it Tilt- Lucky I gave it a 2 Overall- This is one of the LAST game your DC collection needs