This game is a very good blast from the past and i think the reviewer was missing some good points...
i bought this game and i was very dissapointed in the lack of cut sceanes. Activsion could of put some in for 800 points.
after reading the mission briefi noticed there were no missions like on the original v8 ie (blow up 8 milk drums, Protect 8 milk drums), hmm bitter sweet?
ok ok, the first 2 points arnt great so that means for my 7.0 score things must get better?, indeed they do.
I love the new feel of the cars, i cant drive them with standard control default, but swapped on Option B its a good control feel, not perfect but still good.
the cars drive, like guess what, CARS!. on v8 they could turn around on the spot, im glad they took that out and made it so u had to drive to turn and they still have the double tap boost!.
first off like the GS review said, the smaller cars are more nimble and can turn more sharp but soon as you shoot a rocket that car tends to tip and shake (i like these phyics).
the bigger cars, with less speed arnt that much punnished as you may think, they are great to drive even with there lack of manuvibility. when u fire ur rockets with the big boys your cars dont wobble or shake as much.
this gives the cars a good diffence between them, do u prefer the speed or stability, none are over powered or under powered and are a VERY good balance.
another bad point now im affraid. they changed the look of some of the rockets from the original v8, something i feel they didnt need to do, now the heat seekers and missles look pretty much the same and i never remember the difference of them.
the music is alright, its just generic backround music which u dont really notice, car effects are pretty good, the engines stalling and restarting, just like the original.
the computer characters play pretty well, they assault you, and if ur on low hp, they try harder to finnish you off and if theyre on low hp they try to make a break for it, a very nice touch.
when playing split screen u can only have 4 bots on at once, and the bots are very weak while playing with friends, even 2 player vs 4 bots is easy, i played with 3 friends vs 4 bots and we won within 1 minute.
the maps are a nice visual upgrade, so far i havent found any hidden easter eggs like in the first one (like going in the blimp on vegas) apart from the ski lvl but i dont think that was hidden.
last thing, the multiplayer, as GS said, its dry. i created a game and sat on my laptop for 20 minutes and 1 guy joined, we had a 1v1 and it was brilliant fun.
real life player cars are tougher then bots so it adds more of a challenge.
i was beating him most of the game and i ran out of ammo, and while he was on probly 3% hp, he took me down from 30% to dead. i love games where anything can happen.
so yea, overall with the ups and downs i give it 7. its a good remake for gameplay but everything outside gameplay is lame.
i would love to hear what u think of my review. take care, x