Want to try something new
Game-play: Throughout the game you get to be a different assortment of vehicles. Each of the vehicles is equipped with different weapons, and throughout the game you can pick up additional weapons. Each level has it's own mission or goal and different enemies to compete with. It's a nice change of pace from your typical driving game. Besides it's always fun to blow stuff up.
Graphics: The vehicles for the most part actually look like vehicles...which is a nice change from some racing games.
Sound: The quality is all right. Nothing about the sound really blows you away.
Overall: Overall this isn't a bad game. I found myself drawn to continue to play. I just couldn't put it down. The game-play areas could be a little larger in size and detail...but there work for what the game is trying to do. All in all if you find this game in a bargain bin or at a yard sale somewhere for a $1.00 you might want to consider picking it up.