A game with so little depth your reduced to hacking up the captured souls of people who bought the game
I think the most dissapointing thing about Viking is what it could of been. A few extra months of development you could of had a strong fast paced killer of a game which would satisfy even the most blood thirsty of us.
Alas what we received in the box next to the 12 page booklet was.... a 6 hour long bloodsplatter on the walls of consoles.
Your start the game off with a small cutscene introducing Skaring (which is the protagonist in this abortion) and the two gods Hel and Freia.You have fallen in battle and have been brought back to life etc etc.
Ok now the gameplay the first time i tapped the plastic button on my controller i was satisfyed with ripping apart my first weird kind of undead thingy then after that............. WHERES THE OTHER MOVES ok so youve got your ripping from the front and behind oh and you thing your in for some epic boss battles try smashing them in the knees until you go into a tedious button pressing squence.
Now i have to give this game its merits, the graphics were very good a high standard for such a bargain bin game ,there is also the blood but the best thing this game gives is during the big battles it is very good to see thousands of men which earlier in the game youve had to free running into crouds of undead thingys.
The game itself soley constists of ----> Go here free people --------------> go here free some more people its not fun or original sometimes there are some good bits such as ambushing a huge advancing force outside a giant lighthouse .
Hmm the difficulty is ok for most of it but at some parts you are just overwhelmed by the goblin thingys so ill give it a hard
I do strongly recommend you buy this game once it is below £5 it is worth that but for 6 hours play dont pay anything more
Ive given this a 5.5
3 for graphics
2 for some entertaining battles
.5 for guilty pleasures