A 5 Rating, Are You Crazy?

User Rating: 8 | Viking: Battle for Asgard PS3
I guess I am one of those gamers who enjoy a good game where you just go around hacking and killing things. I woke up on Sunday morning planning to play it for a couple of hours. I kept telling myself just one more quest, or one more boss kill and before I knew it six hours had gone by. I must admit that my eyes hurt from the graphics after six hours of non-stop play so I recommend taking breaks. I would have rated this game an 8 for graphics, game playability, ease of playing the game, meaning that it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out how to find the hidden areas in the game. I thought the game play was smooth, exciting, and most importantly, fun. I must admit that I am really shocked at your low rating of a game that I feel is worthy of a much higher rating. I don't like games that are difficult to play, I enjoy a game where I don't have to think, I just have to react. Maybe that sounds boring to a lot of you but give me a break please, I'm 50 years old and I enjoy the simple things in life.