On Par With DOA 4
User Rating: 8 | Virtua Fighter 5 Online X360
I will begin by admitting that I have ALWAYS enjoyed fighting games! I grew up on the 2D Classics SF2 & MK. With that said I would like to make a fair criticism. Virtua Fighter 5 did NOT Wow me like DOA 4 did when it released OVER a year & a half ago!! VF5 Today is on par with DOA 4 and if you are a VF fan, or are bored with DOA, you will NOT be disappointed! The Online is ONLY a big deal because the PS3 version didn't have it! There is an overwhelming amount of GREAT games coming out this holiday season which I place my $$ on BEFORE VF5!! One thing I am Still feeling the sting from is the fact that 360 owners had to Wait Over 7 Months for VF5, which is essentially a Port of the PS3 version only with added Online play, and Still be expected to shell out $60!! Major foul Sega!!! If VF 5 was $30 like DOA 4, OR Other Ports!!, then It would be a difficult decision but Not at the moment!!!! XBL has demos of BOTH games to try out, I suggest that you do so, before you decide for yourselves!! Happy Holidays!!