VF has one of the best fighting engines and the new iteration is no exception. Lacks online support which is a letdown
User Rating: 8.5 | Virtua Fighter 5 PS3
VF5 is without a down a great game. The graphics are superior, and among some of the best the PS3 has to offer. Beyond that the gameplay is really quite good. This is probably my fighter of choice because of the control scheme. Button mashing will only get you so far in a game like VF5. Its more about stringing together moves, and knowing what move to use in different situations. Once you have mastered a character, there are few things as rewarding as stringing together a flawless victory. I really can't emphasize enough, how good the system is, and how much fun it is to play. Multiplayer, is great, as with all the VF's in the series. I was extremely saddened to find that the PS3 version has on online. Major drawback, and I would have given this game a 9.5 to 10 if the online was there and done well. I have a lot of fun with the "quest" mode, but I find it to be a little too easy. Within my first ten to twenty matches I was already fighting at the hardest arcade and keeping up. Sometimes the computer will really stomp me, which is good because it can get boring otherwise. This time around you will climb the ranks pretty fast if your good, and you'll earn gold and apparel pretty easily. This is all great, but again, without online this is just a tease.