zachery holes virtua fighter review

User Rating: 8.4 | Virtua Fighter 5 PS3
i just picked up virtua fighter 5 and all i can say it its amazing the grafixs are top notch sound is good other than laughably bad voice overs i mean 80s kung fu movies have better voice overs have your standard modes arcade training but the real fun is in quest mode u go around simulated arcades and fight simulated people which is full of great customizable things like clothing sunglasses etc plus u can build in rank in quest mode its all very kool stuff i would have prefered fighting online [which the game doesnt have] but quest is the next best thing my only complaint is all u have is punch kick and block there are many moves that u have by using combinations of these 3 buttons but it feels very old school its not like theres very many next gen fighters this and DOA4 on 360 i dont count fight night thats a boxing game not fighting so i cant really be picky but i still think i prefer DOA more considering it has online play but the more i play virtua fighter 5 the more its growing on me so i have to say i consider it almost as good but in a world of 2 next gen fighters u take what u can get and u enjoy it