Virtua Tennis 3! One of the first games out on the playstation 3 and it is one of the best realese games that is out.
most of you have got the game or have allready played the game.
The gameplay is solid and fun, i have spen playing it for hours multi-player and singel player! and it get even more fun with the SixAxies.
Now the game starts of as you, an amature tennis player trying to get to the top, you go to minigames to get your stats up and home to rest, you have a rank and it goes up every tournament you play, plus you even got your own coach. You can play doubbles and singel matches. allthough there is no online play on it you will still get about 50+ hours play on it! by yourself and with freinds and family. Multiplayer is great and fun, but the SixAxies can be a little challengin for some people! i recommend this game to anyone!