the actual games controls are not that good and the graphics look like crap but even still the gameplay is great you move with the analog stick and you hit the ball with x the circle and you chip it with square but the chip is really useless as your opponent will just smash it and you will lose the rally but this doesn't put me off the game because a lot of other things about it r great. one of the good things about it are the minigames, they r great when you are bored and just want to play something for 5 minutes one of them puts you up against three ball machines and you have to avoid all their balls and collect all the flags on the cout another makes you hit a bullseye with balls you volley these games are perfect and very addictive the only problem is that when you start you JUST CAN'T STOP. so if you travel a lot this game is perfect for you to just pick up and play but please leave it out of the office or you'll be sacked unless your boss confiscates it and stays locked in his office playing it either way this game can be dangerous.
Other Helpful Reviews for Virtua Tennis: World Tour
Virtua Tennis is what Madden NFL is for football . And now Virtua Tennis has made it's way unto the psp, and you know what it ain't half bad . More like one of the best tennis games ever . Virtua Tennis : World starts o... Read Full Review
What can I say? I like tennis games... Especially Virtua Tennis: World Tour for the PSP. It is a little difficult in the beginning, but it gets better. In World Tour mode, you create two characters. A male and a femal... Read Full Review