Virtual villagers 3: the secet city the best game in the series so far
The secret city follow the same formula that the previous parts have so once again you start of with a few villagers that are not good at anything and in an area that is filled with broken houses, items and a dangerous lack of food.
Especially in the secret city getting a permanent source of food is a challenge and if you go about not realizing this you tribe might end up dead fairly quickly.
The basics of the game are still the same as always you need to set your villagers at work on all kinds of different tasks which they will get better at with experience (for example research, building and farming).
The tech points you save up by researching can be used to buy higher lvs in certain areas of knowledge which you will need to do to improve and eventually create a successful village and to solve lots of puzzles of course.
One of the unique features of the series is that game will always continue (you can pause it) even if you are not playing it so you can choose to either always guide your villagers or just go in to see what is happening every now and then.
The secret city adds a few new features to the series like a tribal chief, weather effects, awards to achieve, 2 different tribe types to choice from and much more.
Even after you have finished all puzzles (and have gotten a bit of story by achieving the last one) getting all the awards and collectibles will keep you busy for a long time.
And then you can always start another tribe or several ones at the same time.
Have fun.