Very fun but will get boring after a while.

User Rating: 8 | Viva Pinata X360
This is a great game and there is plenty to do. You'll have lots of fun trying to collect and mate pinatas in an attempt to create the greatest garden. The problem is when you are able to collect all the different species of pinata there isn't anything left to do.

Some of the pluses are that as odd as it sounds convincing the pinatas to join your garden is actually quite fun. There are some types of pinatas the don't get along and also different types of pinatas might have contradicting requirements. For example on pinata might require you to have 60% of your garden covered in grass, but another might require 60% of your garden covered with water. To get both of these pinatas you would need to either create a second garden or continually rework your first one, which thankfully you can easily do. Romancing pinatas also is fun as they have even additional requirements you must meet adding some challenge to the game.

The downsides is that there is basically no such thing as losing on this game. If you want to spend all your time raising the most easy pinatas you can. Its pretty easy to make money once you get some nice pinatas so there is no trouble there. Just like games like Animal Crossing or the Sims, once you complete whatever objective you've set for yourself there is nothing left to do and no really satisfying end point to the game.

This game is great to play though but you likely only get about 25-40 hours of enjoyment out of it. There is an achievement for playing for 50 hours, but you'll probably have just about everything else you need far before then. The game is fun, just not overly satisfying.