This must be one of the best games for children and adults. My self is soon 19 years old, and even i can't let go of the game. Just have to see what would happen if i do this and if i do that. The only thing i don't like with the game, is that you have to play for a long time to unlock some things, and you can't play free mode. I've still not manage to visit a friend, maybe i haven't seen it yet, or maybe it will open later in the game. But if you take that away, this game is one of the greatest game ever, after Halo and Oblivion... Hehe
The Good: Vibrant graphics, cute and cuddly Pinatas, tutorial eases you into the game, fun for the whole family. The Bad: Garden maintenance becomes bothersome, game evolves slowly after 10 or so hours of gameplay, no... Read Full Review
Viva Pinata has been running circles in my head since picking it up. I bought Gears of War the day before, and as much as it blew me away it's seen the inside of my 360 just once since I started up my first Pinata garden... Read Full Review