Very, Very fun. I reccomend it to anyone with a love of all games.
I think I can easily reccomend this to anyone that is an 'all round' gamer.
This is not one of those "you must do this" games, you can do whatever you want, you can bash open pinatas with your shovel, [I do not reccomed that], you can split up fights, or you can watch them. You can tame 'sour' pinatas, or destroy them. It is totally up to you! I personally love this game.
The ups:
great visuals, pinatas interact with enviorment, there is a food chain, there are 'natural enemies' just like you will see in nature, very open ended.
the downs:
Your 'family' or the 'village' wear these weird masks, Sometimes fights bewtween pinatas spread and the next thing you know your garden is turned into a battlefield.