Viva Pinata is a unique blend of fun and creativity you won't find anywhere else that pretty much anyone can enjoy!
To describe it briefly, I'd call it Sim City with Pinatas and no disasters. You spend your time sculpting a garden where for Pinatas to live in. The fun comes in making it look nice and attracting some of the more "advanced" Pinatas. It's like Pokemon, except you don't capture them you attract them.
This is a great and really fun concept that I have to say I really enjoyed. There are problems, though. The interface is awful. Think Mass Effect. Yeah, that bad. Also, the controls are confusing and it takes time to master some things. There also should have been zoom controls on the camera, but those are nonexistent.
Gameplay here gets a 7. Yes, the concept is brilliant but it isn't executed well.
The graphics are bright and colorful and easily enjoyed! You can make gardens that are truly beautiful. The bright colors look spectacular in HD. Though, the actual technical graphics are behind and not impressive. The opening video is choppy, which is totally unacceptable.
The graphics get an 8.
Now, sound is where I really have to hand over my compliments. I expected a cheery score with adequate composition, but I was wrong. The score is spectacular and is work that I wouldn't mind owning. It also fits very well. It's just a plain, but beautiful, orchestral score that will leave you impressed.
The voice acting does deserve to be bashed. The characters are all annoying. The Pinatas are fine, but there are humans in Viva Pinata who will annoy to no end and you literally have to deal with them.
The sound gets a 9.
As for value, it's loads of great fun, but only to a certain extent. Once you've unlocked every last Pinata, there's no reason to play anymore.
Value gets a 6.
My tilt? Well, I'm tilting it with a 9. It's losing that point because it's too frustrating at times to be a kid's game. Sometimes it feels like they were targeting my age group intentionally, knowing that they'd have a cult following. Anyway, Viva Pinata is worth at least a rental and my final score is:
7.5, which is not necessarily an average.