User Rating: 5 | Vortex SNES
I had to learn to love this game, and this was definitely a love hate relationship with VORTEX. I think the developers just got excited to make a Starfox like game. I remember getting this game as a kid. It was like the famous Starfox but you can transform into different vehicles. I didn't enjoy playing this game very much, I would just play it out of boredom. The concept was cool, maybe I just didn't get it. I lost so many times that it totally turned me off from it. It was neat to turn you're player into other vehicles, but that was as far as the excitement went. I think I remember using the game genie to put in some codes, but that ended up making the game boring. I would try to get excited to play it, but inevitably moved back to Starfox and those crazy mumbling mammals and reptiles "STAND BY".