One of the few sea based games. Free-to-Play but really Pay-to-Play in the end

User Rating: 7 | Voyage Century PC
Start your journey Sail around the world. Not only is it possible to fight on the main sea, but it is also possible to fight on land, and even then, there is a lot more to do in the game. There are always quests that you can complete but it isnt all about quests though. Join a player made guild. Go to war for control over a city
The battles at land are just like the old MMORPG's, with specials, and everyhing else,the animation is pretty good and the sea battles are enjoyable.They are possible with NPCs and with ingame players (PvP), in a FPS style. Which includes boarding the enemy ship and killing their sailors and captain.
Well the problem with this game is the problem with the ppl that run the game. Too many stuff to buy on Item Mall. Claims to be free-to-play, but most players will pay for "Item mall" goods with RL money in the end. So essentially, this game is Pay-to-Play -- either you wind up buying points for materials, or buying it ingame from those who are selling "item mall" goods for ingame silver.The selling of cash items is actually un-balancing the game alot,high level players appear out of nowhere and kill everyone

It's not the ultimate mmorpg but realy good game