I usually dont like mmorpg's, but this game surprised me in a good way.

User Rating: 8.8 | Voyage Century PC
Despite still only being in beta, Voyage Century is still an enjoyable and entertaining mmorpg that will keep you busy for hours. You start out as a character in the 15th Century, where pirates roamed the 7 seas and where maps still had blank areas that need to be filled in. Like other mmorpgs, you get to choose a 'profession'. Whereas more traditional fantasy based mmorpgs would have a mage or a healer or a knight, Voyage Century offers a different choice. One may be a soldier for their kingdom, fighting against the pirates, a wealthy merchant, an explorer or a merciless pirate. Whereas other mmos only allows the player to choose one proffesion e.g a knight cant change into a mage or vice versa, Voyage is more flexible. A player that starts out with a merchant ship can buy a battle ship and become a soldier or purchase an exploration ship and become an explorer, so if a player ever gets bored of one profession, he/she can easily change into another. Being set in the real world, and not some fantasy land, all the port cities in Voyage Century are real cities in their exact geograhpical location. Although the player starts out in the Mediteranian Sea, he/she can move out to explore Africa, Europe and Asia. Unfortunatly, North and South America are not availabe, but that may change as Voyage Century is still in beta and was only released last month. Graphically, Voyage does look pretty for a free game. If you hear other people complain about the graphics, thats cause they are partially right. Basically there are 3 different perspectives a player can look through. One is on land, the other whilst in sea battles or offshore from ports (which takes a close up camera angle of your ship), and the other is the high seas (which is basically a downsized version of your ship floating on the world map). The first two perspectives look nice, where a player can see ripples on the water, and the sun glaring in their eyes, but the high seas perspective looks a little primitave graphically wise, but its help the player navigate much more accuratly and easily. Its a little like Final Fantasy 8, where you have to travel across the open areas to get from town to town. The music in the game is nice, ranging from "pirates of the caribean" style music playing whilst sailing the high seas to soft, relaxing music in port side cities, to arabian music in Arabic port cities. The sound effects of the weapons are good overall and get the job done. Voyage does has its flaws though. There are some bugs that prevent a few quests from being completed, as well as numerous typos that are cleary visible. Also, there are no quests for some professions in numerous cities. However, these problems should smooth out over time during the beta period. Another problem is the maintence which is understandibly nessecary but slightly annoying. Ive been player for about 5 days now, and I've seen two maintance periods, each about 2 or 3 hours long. Voyage Century is currently in a maintanence period as of this moment, and that is why I'm wasting my time writing review :). Hopefully, these periods would start to space out. Also, completing some quests can be difficult as they dont tell you enough information to complete the quest. You would often start asking other players for help. Players also often will find them shelves asking other players on how to upgrade their skills or ships. A more thourough turutorial would be welcome. Despite these flaws, Voyage Century is a enjoyable game that should be given a go by any gamer, even if they dont like mmos (like me) and its free, so you would have nothing to lose by playing.