Good game with a lot of bad stuff
Game has a lot of bugs in cities, in suburbs, in offshore, in high seas, in sea battles.
Most of the monsters are unrealistic but there's still animals to kill if you don't like mummy's and stuff.
There's only 2 cities where people sell or buy stuff, that makes a lot of lag.
Players are always spamming public chat, mostly to curse each other.
Too many stuff to buy on Item Mall so most of players are buying Scrolls to level up, which makes Pirate players quit the game.
IGG makes very little updates, translation is very bad (wrong location names, wrong npc's names...).
Few servers, great lagg.
Lack of new players, a lot of players quiting the game due to IM.
Easy to be carebear, very hard to be a pirate.
Too few Weapons, Uniforms, Ships to have.
It's free!